Volume database

Animal Rights and the Argument from Marginal CasesAalto-Heinilä, Maija202167 203-224    
Unreasonable Avoidance of Legal Rules in Norwegian Tax LawAarbakke, Magnus197014 11-33    
Income Taxation of General Partnerships and Limited Partnerships under Norwegian LawAarbakke, Magnus197923 11-30    
Mediation in Collective Interest DisputesAarvaag Stokke, Torgeir200243 135-158    
Formal Incorrectness and the Invalidity of a Legal TransactionAarnio, Aulis197115 11-27    
The Rise and Development of the Collective AgreementAdlercreutz, Axel19582 9-53    
Gaming Winnings, Debts of Honour, and Acts of FriendshipAgell, Anders196711 9-35    
The Swedish Legislation on Marriage and Cohabitation: A Journey without DestinationAgell, Anders198024 9-48    
Family Forms and Legal Policies:A Comparative View from a Swedish ObserverAgell, Anders199938 197-216    
Restructures of Companies in Swedish Income Tax Law - What is a Branch of Activity?Alhager, Eleonor200344 11-19    
Breaking and Making NormsAlmers, Ellen and Wickenberg, Per200853 351-370    
Choice of PunishmentAndenaes, Johannes19582 55-74    
Drinking-and-Driving Laws in ScandinaviaAndeaes, Johannes198428 11-23    
Reasons for Differences of Opinions on Questions of LawAndeaes, Johannes and Kvamme, Helge197115 29-56    
Corporate Governance in DenmarkAndersen, Krüger Paul200445 11-28    
The Scope of Arbitration Agreements: Is it Time for a New Approach to the Interpretation of Arbitration Clauses?Andersen, Mads Bryde and Iversen, Torsten201763 95-114    
The Status of Animal Protection in DenmarkAndersen, Søren Stig202167 163-178    
A Note on the Process of IntrospectionAnderson, Bruce200548 13-24    
Appeal Against Council of State and Ministry Decisions in FinlandAndersson, Edward197216 11-36    
How Swedish Tax Law Affected Finnish Income and Net Wealth TaxationAndersson, Edward198630 11-28    
Diversity and Unity: In search of a Pluralistic View on Problems in Tort LawAndersson, Håkan200141 11-30    
Model Business Corporation Act for Europe - The Alternative to Harmonisation by Directives, or?Andersson, Jan200445 29-44    
State and Church in NorwayAndreassen, Jens Edvin199236 11-36    
Legal Framework for the Procurement of Public-Private Partnerships – an Australian Perspective in the European Union ContextAndrecka, Marta201561 385-409    
Racial and Ethnic Statistics in Sweden: Has the Socialization Process Started Yet?Al-Zubaidi, Yamam202268 425-450    
The Finnish Perspective on the Last-Resort Support for SubsistenceArajärvi, Pentti200752 17-40    
Non-discrimination Under Article 14 ECHR: The Burden of ProofArnardóttir, Oddný Mjöll200751 13-40    
Some Basic Problems of JurisprudenceArnholm, Carl Jacob19571 9-50    
The New Norwegian Legislation Relating to Parents and ChildrenArnholm, Carl Jacob19593 9-20    
Olivecrona on Legal Rights: Reflections on the Concept of RightsArnholm, Carl Jacob19626 9-31    
Precondition for Dissolution of Foundations in Finnish Law: Norms and RealityAro, Pirkko-Liisa197519 11-38    
M.C. v. Bulgaria - a Swedish PerspectiveAsp, Petter200954 191-212    
Scandinavian Legal Culture Within the Insurance LawAskeland, Bjarte201864 11-26    
Look Out – Self-driving Vehicles Around the Corner!Axhamn, Johan201865 367-378    
The “Dark Side” of International Criminal Law: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of CambodiaBaaz, Mikael201560 157-186    
Bringing the Khmer Rouge to Trial: An Extraordinary Experiment in International Criminal LawBaaz, Mikael201561 291-338    
International Law in a “New Medievalism”Baaz, Mikael201762 117-144    
The Norwegian Reform of Civil ProcedureBacker, Inge Lorange200751 41-76    
Animal Welfare in the Norwegian Fish Farming IndustryBahus, Vegard Bø202167 87-104    
Law and ParticipationBaier, Matthias200853 371-389    
The Politics of Legal CulturesBanakar, Reza200853 151-175    
Law, Community and the 2011 London RiotsBanakar, Reza and Phillips, Alexandra Lort201762 79-100    
Non-contractual Obligations in the Nordic Countries: a European's Perspectivevon Bar, Christian200750 31-48    
Access to Justice in Discrimination Cases in NorwayBauge, Marte and Løvdal, Lene202268 373-402    
Small Claims Enforcement in a High Cost Country: The German Insurance OmbudsmanBasedow, Jürgen200750 49-64    
The Europeanization of British Insurance LawBasedow, Jürgen201864 27-44    
Environmental Liability - Modern DevelopmentsBasse, Ellen Margrethe200141 31-54    
The Conditions for Future Energy-Smart Water Utilities under EU and Danish Law and PolicyBasse, Ellen Margrethe201459 19-78    
Tax Avoidance Rules in Scandinavian and Anglo-American LawBanoun, Bettina200344 21-36    
Thinking Preventively and ProactivelyBarton, Thomas D.200649 71-92    
Trafficking in Women - an International Crime from a Danish PerspectiveBaumbach, Trine200954 213-236    
What is Scandinavian Law? English Lawyers Look at Swedish and Norwegian Insurance LawBeale, Hugh and Khanom, Hazra200750 65-82    
Precedents and the Construction of StatutesBeckman, Nils19637 9-24    
Social Benefits and Families with Children - The Family ConceptBejstam, Lars199938 217-253    
Sweden's Contribution to Governance of the JudiciaryBell, John200750 83-102    
Contractual Liability and Liability Insurance: A Comparative StudyBengtsson Bertil19626 33-62    
Balancing of Interest and Compensation Rules in Environment LawBengtsson Bertil197822 11-38    
On Fragmentation in Private LawBengtsson, Bertil199236 37-57    
Tort Liability and Insurance PracticeBengtsson, Bertil199938 281-294    
Governmental Liability in Swedish LawBengtsson Bertil200141 55-64    
Appointment of Arbitrators: The Norwegian ApproachBerg Høgetveit, Borgar201763 13-22    
Some Thoughts on Judges' Decision-makingBergholtz, Gunnar200751 77-89    
Ratio et Auctoritas: A Comparative Study of the Significance of Reasoned Decisions With Special Reference to Civil CasesBergholtz, Gunnar198933 11-48    
Gender and HarmBerglund, Kerstin200954 11-28    
Norms, Legitimacy and Power: Rule of Law Assistance in Authoritarian CountriesBergquist, Lisen and Sannerholm Zajac Richard201560 33-55    
New Modes of Constitution Making: Towards Fewer and More Flexible Provisions?Bergström, Maria200752 41-48    
From Global Rules and Standards to Enforceable National Provisions: The Case of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation and ImplementationBergström, Maria201358 13-27    
Tax Avoidance Rules in Scandinavian and Anglo-American LawBergström, Sture, Brokelind, Cécile, Bruzelius, Anette, von Quitzow, Carl Michael, Tjernberg, Mats and Westerström, Jerker200344 37-75    
How to Improve Legal TechniqueBergström, Svante197721 11-22    
Private Law and Tax LawBergström, Svante197923 31-51    
Law, Materiality and JusticeBergwall, Peter and Dahlstrand, Karl201762 35-60    
What is Scandinavian Law?Bernitz, Ulf200750 13-30    
The European Constitutional Project and the Swedish ConstitutionBernitz, Ulf200752 49-64    
Consumer Protection and Standard ContractsBernitz, Ulf197317 11-50    
Consumer Protection: Aims, Methods, and Trends in Swedish Consumer LawBernitz, Ulf197620 11-36    
Market Law as a Legal DiscplineBernitz, Ulf197923 53-76    
Interference With Contractual Relations: A Problem of the Law of Unfair Competition in a Comparative PerspectiveBernitz, Ulf198933 49-76    
Swedish Standard Contracts Law and the EC Dirctive on Contract TermsBernitz, Ulf200039 13-27    
Nordic Legislative Cooperation in the New Europe-A Challenge for the Nordic Countries in the EU PerspectiveBernitz, Ulf200039 29-42    
Retroactive Legislation in a European Perspective-On the Importance of General Principles of LawBernitz, Ulf200039 43-58    
The EC Directive on Comparative Advertising and its Implementation in the Nordic Countries: Especially in Relation to Intellectual PropertyBernitz, Ulf200242 11-29    
Commercial Norms and Soft LawBernitz, Ulf201358 29-43    
Contractual Restraints on Administrative DiscretionBernt, Jan Fridthjof198024 49-63    
On Law, Power and Society: A View of a Moral DialecticBertilsson, Thora Margareta200853 33-44    
Transnational Data flows and the Scandinavian Data Protection LegislationBing, Jon198024 65-96    
Intellectual Property Exclusive Access Rights and Some Policy ImplicationsBing, Jon200242 31-48    
Internationalisation and Constant ChangeBing, Jon200447 11-30    
Contractual Risk Management in an ICT Context - Searching for a Possible Interface between Legal Methods and Risk AnalysisBing, Jon and Mahler, Tobias200649 339-358    
Epistemology and Law According to Axel HägerströmBjarup, Jes198529 11-47    
Ought and Reality: Hägerström's Inaugural Lecture Re-consideredBjarup, Jes200040 11-72    
Soft Law in the Swedish Accounting Law System – Effects on other AreasBjuvberg, Jan201358 45-61    
Icelandic Company LawBjörgvinsdóttir, Áslaug200445 45-66    
Concursus Delicturum concerning Swedish Prosecution of Crimes under International Criminal LawBjörklund, Fredrik202066 157-174    
Main Features of Icelandic Compensation SystemsBjörnsson, Arnljótur198125 11-30    
A Survey of Icelandic Tort LawBjörnsson, Arnljótur199938 295-314    
The Rights of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates to Communicate with Authorities of the Host CountryBlix, Hans19648 9-43    
Freehold Flats in Danish LawBlok, Peter198226 11-38    
From Elected Magnates to State-Appointed Professionals: Aspects of the History of the Finnish JudiciaryBlomstedt, Yrjö196913 9-57    
Nordic Co-operation on Legislation in the Field of Private LawBlomstrand, Severin200039 59-77    
Aspects of Scandinavian and German Product Liability - A ComparisonBloth, Christian200039 231-274    
Laws, Publication and CommunicationsBlume, Peter199135 11-28    
Data Protection in the Private SectorBlume, Peter200447 297-318    
The Unbearable Lightness of PrecedentBlume, Peter200548 25-38    
Data Protection and Privacy – Basic Concepts in a Changing WorldBlume, Peter201056 151-164    
Smart Data ProtectionBlume, Peter201865 175-190    
Cyberspace Law and Other Kinds of LawBlume, Peter201762 347-358    
Court Review of Free Administrative Discretion in NorwayBoe, Erik198327 11-35    
Travellers Cheques and Credit Cards in Private International LawBogdan, Michael197721 23-61    
The Air Carrier's Responsibility for the Passenger's Hand BaggageBogdan, Michael198731 11-27    
Trans-Border Abduction of Children: The Swedish Legal ViewBogdan, Michael199236 59-75    
The Brussels/Lugano Lis Pendens Rule and the "Italian Torpedo"Bogdan, Michael200751 89-98    
Some Reflections on the Comparability of Laws Based on Different Socio-economic SystemsBogdan, Michael201561 105-112    
The Office of the Competition Ombudsman and the Local AuthoritiesBohlin, Alf198731 29-39    
Aspects of the Burden of ProofBolding, Per Olof19604 9-27    
Reliance on Authorities or Open Debate? Two Models of Legal ArgumentationBolding, Per Olof196913 59-71    
The Scandinavian Countries and the Hague Conventions on Private International LawBorum, O.A.196711 37-62    
Freedom or Fetters? Penal Code Protection from Sexual Abuse for Developmentally Disabled PeopleBragadóttir, Ragnheidur200954 237-246    
Spouses Pension Rights and Financial Settlement in Case of a DivorceBrattström, Margareta200750 331-346    
Competing SalvorsBrækhus, Sjur196711 63-118    
Salvage of Wrecks and Wreckage: Legal Issues Arising from the Runde FindBrækhus, Sjur197620 37-68    
The Impact of Developing States on International Customary Law Concerning Protection of Foreign PropertyBring, Ove198024 97-132    
Arms Control and International Environmental LawBring, Ove200039 397-417    
Preventing Misuse of Development Aid: On the Fight Against CorruptionBroberg, Morten201560 55-69    
The Establishment of a Nuclear-free Zone in Northern EuropeBroms, Bengt197519 39-57    
The Unfolding of Equality in International Human Rights ConventionsBruce, Anna202268 37-66    
Tacit Knowledge - a Neglected Source of Private LawBruun, Niklas200853 271-279    
New Developments in Labour Law – towards a Hybrid Type of Labour Law?Bruun, Niklas201358 63-73    
Legal Philosophy in 17th-century Finland: Some ReflectionsBrusiin, Otto197418 11-25    
The Future of Nordic Labour LawBruun, Niklas200243 375-385    
Consent Requirements for Share Acquisitions in Limited Liability Companies According to Norwegian LawBråthen, Tore200445 67-88    
Blowing in the Wind? Swedish Protection of Whistler-blowers in the Public SectorBull, Thomas200752 65-78    
Insurance Law and Marine Insurance Law: The Unique TwinsBull, Hans Jacob200446 11-33    
Norwegian Offshore Petrolium: The Legal and Administrative ResponseBull, Hans Jacob198125 31-50    
Natural Damage InsuranceBull, Hans Jacob201864 45-56    
Non-Marital Cohabitation in NorwayBull, Kirsti Strøm198630 29-48    
On Tax Law and Private Law RelationsBundgaard, Jakob200344 77-91    
Changes in the Criminal Legal Discourse on Men's Violence against Women in Heterosexual RelationshipsBurman, Monica200954 29-50    
Tribunals in the Nordic States and Referrals to the European CourtsButler, Graham202369 145-177    
Codification of Private International Law Rules on Employment ContractsBuure-Hägglund, Kaatarina198024 133-152    
Privacy Protection in a Global Context - A Comparative OverviewBygrave, Lee A.200447 319-348    
Privacy and Data Protection in an International PerspectiveBygrave, Lee A.201056 165-200    
Reflections on "Fair Trial" in Civil Proceedings According to Article 6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human RightsBårdsen, Arnfinn200751 99-130    
The Concept of Business Undertaking in Finnish and European Consumer LawBärlund, Johan201257 15-44    
From Status via Contract and Social Private Law to the Free Movement - Regulation of Domestic Work in SwedenCalleman, Catharina200750 347-366    
Constructing Human Rights from Soft Law: The Swedish Journey towards Protection Against Unlawful DiscriminationCarlson, Laura201358 75-100    
Teaching Materials in a Digitalized World: Who Owns the Rights? A Comparison of Swedish and American ApproachesCarlson, Laura201561 263-290    
Academic Freedom in the Age of Information Technology: Swimming against the tideCarlson, Laura201865 39-56    
Sweden - Balancing Corporatism and Access to JusticeCarlson, Laura202268 403-424    
Court Decisions in Public Procurement: Delineating the Grey ZoneCarlsson, Lina and Åström, Karsten200853 407-419    
Sale of Goods on Consignment Under Danish Law-Lifting the Conceptual VeilCarstensen, Vagn198731 41-54    
The Polyfunctional Role of Punitive Damages and the Conundrum of their Insurability: an Italian PerspectiveCerini, Diana201864 57-72    
Disqualification From Unemployment Benefits: A Critical Study in Swedish Social Security LawChristensen, Anna198024 153-174    
Protection of the Established PositionChristensen, Anna200040 285-324    
Public Regulation of Private Real PropertyChristensen, Bent196913 73-106    
Efficiency and the Rule of Law in Public AdministrationChristensen, Bent197317 51-74    
Free Speach for Public Employees in DenmarkChristensen, Bent198226 39-75    
Adaptive Management of EU Marine Ecosystems – About Time to Include FisheryChristiernsson, Anna and Michanek, Gabriel201459 201-242    
Straight Human Rights Talk - Why Proportionality does (not) Matter?Christoffersen, Jonas201055 11-44    
Disregarding of Legal Entity-Danish Case LawClausen, Nis Jul198933 77-94    
The 2003 Proposal for a Directive on Takeover Bids - Impact on the Regulation in ScandinaviaClausen, Nis Jul Sørensen, Engsig Karsten200445 89-110    
Law and Ethics: Deep Ecology, Climate Change, and Norway’s Wolf PolicyColombo, Esmeralda202167 273-304    
Opportunities and Challenges to Utilizing Text-data Mining in Public Libraries: a Need for Legal ResearchColonna, Liane201865 191-196    
New Trends in the Norwegian Rules on the Choice of Law Applicable to ContractsCordero-Moss, Giuditta201257 45-61    
Non-national Sources in International Commercial Arbitration and the Hidden Influence by National TraditionsCordero-Moss, Giuditta201763 23-44    
Regulation of International Commercial Contracts – A Dilemma of Philosophical Character?Cordero-Moss, Giuditta201762 281-296    
Processes of International and Constitutional Socialization: Misconceptions and Overestimations – the Case of RussiaCornell Jonsson, Anna201560 307-334    
Best Practices In Commercial ContractingCummins, Tim200649 131-148    
Product Liability in Scandinavian LawDahl, Børge197519 59-99    
On the Taxation of Swedish Investment CompaniesDahlberg, Mattias200344 93-117    
The ILO Conventions on Minimum Age: the Case of EthiopiaDahlén, Marianne and Rubenson, Birgitta201560 143-156    
When are Theories about the Phases of Legal Evolution Advanced and Why?Dalberg-Larsen, Jørgen200853 77-91    
Four Phases in the Development of Modern Legal ScienceDalberg-Larsen, Jørgen197923 77-105    
The Comprehensive Law Movement: An Emerging Approach to Legal ProblemsDaicoff, Susan200649 109-128    
Promoting Energy and Resource Efficiency through the Ecodesign DirectiveDalhammar, Carl201459 147-180    
The Role of Culture in Legal Risk ManagementDauer, Eduard A.200649 93-108    
Alf Ross and the Sociology of LawDalberg-Larsen, Jørgen200548 39-50    
Effective Justice? Synthesis Report of the Study on the Implementation of Articles 9.3 and 9.4 of the Aarhus Convention in the Member States of the European UnionDarpö, Jan201459 351-396    
Rule of Law Rhetoric in Encryption’s ‘Going Dark’ DebateDavis, Peter Alexander Earls202369 313-343    
International Crimes and Exclusion from Asylum in a Swedish ContextDawody Nylén, Hevi202066 385-406    
Foreword - Investigation and prosecution in Scandinavia of international crimesKlamberg, Mark202066 1-14    
Deportations, Extraditions and the Absence of Swedish Legal Proceedings Against Perpetrators of International Crimes in the Second World WarDeland, Mats202066 15-26    
Land-Locked States and the Law of the SeaDelupis, Née Detter, Ingrid197519 101-120    
Beyond Reasonable DoubtDiesen, Christian200040 169-180    
Therapeutic Jurisprudence - an Introduction from a Swedish PerspectiveDiesen, Christian200751 131-162    
Access to Justice for Non-human Animals – Possibilities and Challenges within the Swedish Legal SystemDiesen, Eva202167 105-128    
Regulation of Insurance in the New Czech Civil CodeDobias, Petr201864 73-90    
Implied Technical Warranties in Patent LicensesDomeij, Bengt200242 49-64    
Liability of Members of the Board of Directors and the Managing DirectorDotevall, Rolf200141 65-86    
Choice-of-law Rules for International Cooperative AgreementsDotevall, Rolf200445 111-118    
EU Insolvency Regulation and Multiregulational CombinesDotevall, Rolf201257 63-69    
The Practice of the European Court of Justice-A Factor in the Promotion of IntegrationDue, Ole199236 77-89    
Development of International Tort Law Till the Beginning of the 1990s From a Scandinavian Point of ViewDufwa, Bill W200141 87-182    
Collectivization of Tort Law: Satire, Elegy, Idyll and RealismDufwa, Bill W200548 51-64    
The legal history of joint-stock companiesDübeck, Inger199337 13-27    
Law and Sociology in "The Information Age"Ebbesson, Jonas200548 65-74    
Law, Power and Language: Beware of MetaphorsEbbesson, Jonas200853 259-269    
Planetary Boundaries and the Matching of International Treaty RegimesEbbesson, Jonas201459 259-284    
Sociology of Law in ScandinaviaEckhoff, Torstein19604 29-58    
Impartiality, Separation of Powers, and Judicial IndependenceEckhoff, Torstein19659 9-48    
Feedback in Legal Reasoning and Rule SystemsEckhoff, Torstein197822 38-51    
The Notion of Basic Norm(s) in JurisprudenceEckhoff, Torstein and Sundby, Nils Kristian197519 121-151    
Settlement Through Negotiation of Disputes on the Application of Collective AgreementsEdlund, Sten196812 9-47    
Co-Determination in Private Enterprises in Four Nordic CountriesEdström, Örjan200243 159-188    
The Free Movement of Services, Industrial Action and the Swedish Industrial Relations Model - the Legal Structure and Actors' Acting in the Laval CaseEdström, Örjan200853 421-446    
The Administration of Justice in Conflict Cases Involving RefugeesEek, Hilding19593 21-52    
Protection of News Sources by the ConstitutionEek, Hilding19615 9-25    
The Hydrological Cycle and the Law of NationsEek, Hilding19659 49-91    
Freedom from Need: The Universal Right to an Adequate Standard of Living - Origins, Obstacles and ProspectsEide, Asbjørn201055 157-180    
How Difficult Should it be to Amend Constitutional Laws?Ekeli Skagen, Kristian200752 79-102    
Teleological Construction of StatutesEkelöf, Per Olof19582 75-117    
Free Evaluation of EvidenceEkelöf, Per Olof19648 45-66    
The Expression "Valid Rule": A study in Legal TerminologyEkelöf, Per Olof197115 57-74    
Article 12 of the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Procedural Status of Children in SwedenEklund, Hans200751 163-184    
A Look at Labour Law in the Context of Transfers of UndertakingsEklund, Ronnie198428 25-42    
Temporary Employment Agencies in the Nordic CountriesEklund, Ronnie200243 311-333    
The Doctrine of Precedent in English and Norwegian Law-Some Common and Specific FeaturesEng, Svein200039 275-324    
Economic and Legal Discourses on Legal Transplants: Lost in Translation?Engelbrekt Bakardjieva, Antonina201560 111-142    
Comparative Law and European Law: the End of an Era, a New Beginning, or Time to Face the Methodological Challenges?Engelbrekt Bakardjieva, Antonina201561 87-104    
Rule of Law and Judicial Independence in the EU: Lessons from the Union’s Eastward Enlargement and Ways ForwardEngelbrekt Bakardjieva, Antonina202369 177-231    
Conflicts Before the Courts and Court-annexed Mediation in FinlandErvasti, Kaijus200751 185-200    
Sociology of Law as a Multidisciplinary Field of ResearchErvasti, Kaijus200853 137-150    
Comparative Analysis Between East-Scandinavian CountriesErvo, Laura201561 135-152    
Do we Need a Law on Patients' Rights?Eskeland, Ståle199034 11-28    
Law, Method and ValuesEvald, Jens200040 73-94    
Sport and Insurance-Tracks or Sidetracks?Evald, Jens200141 183-192    
Standardized or Individual Assessment of Damages for Personal Injury and for Loss of Supportervon Eyben, Bo198529 49-78    
Additional compensation on account of unforeseen development of damagevon Eyben, Bo199034 30-66    
Alternative Compensation Systemsvon Eyben, Bo200141 193-232    
The Attitude Towards Judicial Precedent in Danish and Norwegian Courtsvon Eyben, W.E.19593 53-86    
Inter-Nordic Legislative Co-operationvon Eyben, W.E.19626 63-93    
Grievance Settlement Procedures in Swedish Labour RelationsFahlbeck, Reinhold197620 69-103    
Industrial Relations and Collective Labour Law: Characteristics, Principles and Basic FeaturesFahlbeck, Reinhold200243 87-133    
Credit Based Upon Security in ShipsFalkanger, Thor200446 35-59    
Quantity Contracts: Transportation by Sea Without Reference to a Named VesselFalkanger, Thor197721 63-92    
The Legacy of American Legal RealismFaralli, Carla200548 75-82    
Acquisition of Real Property and State Approval (Concession)Falkanger, Thor198731 55-79    
Hardening the Legal Softness of the World Bank through an Inspection Panel?Fauchald, Kristian Ole201358 101-127    
Beyond the Dream: Theorising Autonomy in International ArbitrationFauvrelle, Marc Robert201763 45-68    
The Application of Economics in Competition Law CasesFejø, Jens198630 49-73    
The Danelaw and the Danish Law: Anglo-Scandinavian Legal Relations During the Viking periodFenger, Ole197216 83-96    
Injury to Rights of Personality Caused by Satellite Programme Contents: Prospects of Relief under the Law of Outer SpaceFisher, David I200039 419-430    
The Emerging Right to Development and its Relationship to First Generation Rights: An Analysis of the "Asian Values" ViewFisher, David I201055 321-338    
Cooperative Law in Norway - Time for Codification?Fjørtoft,Tore Gjems-Onstad, Ole200445 119-138    
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Offshore OperationsFleischer, Carl August197620 105-143    
Would the Constitutional Treaty Help Alleviate the Union's Legitimacy Crisis?Follesdal, Andreas200752 371-382    
Why International Human Rights Judicial Review might be Democratically LegitimateFollesdal, Andreas200752 103-122    
Transfers of Residential Rental Property in the Nordic Countries – the Specific Danish ExampleFrost, Kim201561 339-370    
Swedish Legal Publications in English, French and GermanFrykholm, Lars and Byström, Tryggve19615 155-217    
Swedish Legal Publications in English, French and GermanFrykholm, Lars197418 235-309    
An Essay on the Systematics of Legal ConceptsFrändberg, Åke198731 81-115    
Legal EqualityFrändberg, Åke200548 83-98    
The Norwegian Internet Ethical CouncilGaltung, Andreas200447 407-419    
Compensation for Unjustified Imprisonment in Danish LawGammeltoft-Hansen, Hans197418 27-70    
The DNA-proof in Practical Danish Criminal JusticeGarde, Peter200751 201-214    
Equality and Protection for Gender Identity and CharacteristicsGarland, Jameson202268 187-212    
Triangle Mergers: A Distinctive Norwegian Type of TransactionsGiertsen, Johan200445 139-146    
The Legal Character and Sources of International LawGihl, Torsten19571 51-92    
The Baseline of the Territorial SeaGihl, Torsten196711 119-174    
Problems of Equity in Modern Income TaxationGjems-Onstad, Ole200344 119-127    
The Legal Effects of Patents as a Legislative ProblemGodenhielm, Berndt19582 119-148    
Some Views on the System of Remedies in the Uniform Law on International SalesGodenhielm, Berndt196610 9-35    
Legal Problems of Compensation Involved in the Use of Nuclear EnergyGomard, Bernhard19604 59-100    
Civil Law, Common Law and Scandinavian LawGomard, Bernhard19615 27-38    
Shareholders' Agreements in Danish LawGomard, Bernhard197216 97-142    
Board Members' Liability for DamagesGomard, Bernhard198428 43-82    
A Programme of Legal Policy on Judge-Made LawGomard, Bernhard198832 11-46    
Law and SocietyGomard, Bernhard199337 29-51    
The Law of Contract and the PoolsGomard, Bernhard and Skovgaard, Henning198125 51-89    
Recent Developments in the Danish Law of TortGomard, Bernhard200141 233-248    
Nordic Law in the Early 21st Century - Maritime LawGorton, Lars200750 103-116    
Volume Contracts of Affreightment - Some Features and PrinciplesGorton, Lars200446 61-91    
Breach and Remedies in Chartering in the Swedish Maritime Code of 1994Gorton, Lars199938 455-479    
The Liability for FreightGorton, Lars199938 481-499    
Globalization and the Law Related to Credit and Finance – some RemarksGorton, Lars201257 71-99    
International Law at the CrossroadsGrahl-Madsen, Atle198024 175-186    
Norms and DecisionsGraver, Hans Petter198832 47-67    
Sense and Sensibility - Classic Rhetoric as a Model for Modern Legal ThinkingGraver, Hans Petter200853 231-258    
Family Law as a Reflectin of Family IdeologyGraversen, Jørgen199034 67-91    
Health, Rights and the StateGreen, Maria and Mattsson, Titti201762 177-198    
At the Mercy of Prediction in the Age of Predictive Models and ScoringGreenstein, Stanley201865 197-212    
Artificial Intelligence Destroyed the Rule of Law?Greenstein, Stanley202369 287-313    
Mercy Killing, Euthanasia and Aiding and Abetting Suicide, etc., Under Danish LawGreve, Vagn198125 91-107    
Criminal Law: A Technical Tool or a Cultural Manifestation on Uniformity and SubsidiarityGreve, Vagn200954 51-62    
Ideologies and Realities in Prison Law: Some TrendsGreve, Vagn and Snare, Annika200954 305-332    
'European Rights' and Dialogues in the Context of Constitutional PluralismGrousso, Xavier201055 45-76    
Some Aspects of Legal Decision Making in the Light of Cognitive Consistency TheoriesGräns, Minna200548 99-122    
Apportionment of Damages in the Swedish Law of TortsGrönfors, Kurt19571 93-122    
Powers of Position in the Swedish Law of AgencyGrönfors, Kurt19626 95-128    
Methods of Interpretation of the European Court of JusticeGulmann, Claus198024 187-204    
The Right of Establishment Within EFTA: A Comparison With the EECGundersen, Fr. Fr.197115 75-105    
Public Enterprises as a Restraint of International CompetitionGundersen, Fr. Fr.197216 143-186    
The Law of Securities–Doing Without the Securities: The Impact of Paperless Transactions in a Traditional Field of LawGöranson, Ulf199135 29-55    
Hidden Clauses in Collective Agreements: The Case Law of the Swedish Labour CourtGöransson, Håkan199034 93-113    
The Protection of Property Rights Under the Danish ConstitutionJensen Hansen, Michael200752 123-132    
Advance Opinions in Danish Administrative LawHaagen Jensen, Claus and Friis Jensen, Orla197519 179-213    
Introduction to Proactive Law from a Business Lawyer's Point of ViewHaapio, Helena200649 21-34    
Business Success and Problem Prevention through Proactive ContractingHaapio, Helena200649 149-194    
Contract Law and Everyday ContractingHaarala-Nystén, Soili200649 263-284    
Contracting in NetworksHaavisto, Vaula200649 237-254    
The Scandinavian Law of ObligationsHagström, Viggo200750 113-124    
Art and Antique Auctions and the LawHagström, Viggo198933 95-135    
Right to Life: a Principle of EqualityHákonardóttir Björk, Hjördis201055 77-100    
The European Union – From Reciprocity to LoyaltyHalldórsdóttir, Hjördis200447 155-172    
The European Union – From Reciprocity to LoyaltyHallström, Pär200039 79-88    
New Trends in Scandinavian Constitutional ReviewHallström, Pär201561 50-71    
Some Notes on the Development of the Sources of International LawHambro, Edvard197317 75-93    
The Copyrightability of Stage DirectionHammarén, Anna200242 65-71    
The Development of the Danish Legal ProfessionHammerslev, Ole200853 283-302    
A Scandinavian Approach to Corporate GovernanceHansen, Jesper Lau200750 125-142    
The Free Movement of CompaniesHansen, Friis Søren200445 147-172    
Software Patents in EuropeHansen, Kim G.200447 173-201    
The Mandatory Bid Rule: The Rise to Prominence of a MisconceptionHansen, Lau Jesper200445 173-192    
The Elusiveness of PropertyHarris, James W.200548 123-132    
Facets of Danish Labour LawHasselbalch, Ole198327 37-63    
The Roots - the History of Nordic Labour LawHasselbalch, Ole200243 11-35    
Norwegian Legal Publications in English, French and GermanHaukaas, Kaare196610 239-342    
Norwegian Legal Publications in English, French and German 1966-76Haukaas, Kaare197721 257-293    
Novel Rules in the Finnish Constitution - The Question of ApplicabilityHautamäki, Veli-Pekka200752 133-154    
The Criminalisation and Prosecution of International Core Crimes in FinlandHeikkilä, Mikaela202066 457-478    
From Contract Certainty to Legal Certainty for Reinsurance Transactions: the Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law (PRICL)Heiss, Helmut201864 91-114    
On the Evolution of Argumentation in Finnish Private Law Research 1920-1960Helin, Markku198933 137-166    
Retrieving the Sources of Legal Decision-Making - Technical Possibilities and Related Legal IssuesHelling, Erik200447 531-557    
Legal Philosophy in the Analysis of Tort ProblemsHellner, Jan19582 149-176    
Tort Liability and Liability InsuranceHellner, Jan19626 129-162    
The Limits of Contractual Damages in the Scandinavian Law of SalesHellner, Jan196610 37-79    
Social Insurance and Tort Liability in SwedenHellner, Jan197216 187-209    
The Draft of a New Swedish Sale of Goods ActHellner, Jan197822 53-79    
Specific Performance in Swedish Contract LawHellner, Jan199938 13-24    
Causality and Causation in LawHellner, Jan200040 111-134    
The Law of Obligations and he Structure of Swedish LawHellner, Jan200040 325-341    
Software PatentsHellstadius, Åsa201056 361-396    
Compensation for Personal Injuries in Sweden - A Reconsidered ViewHellner, Jan200141 249-278    
Two Visions of Time: The Different Temporalities of the Rättsstat and the Rule of LawHellner, Agnes and Stenlund, Karolina202369 253-273    
Gender Equality in the NordicsHellum, Anne202268 151-186    
Tax Treatment of Cross-Border Income Derived Through a Partnership - A Finnish PerspectiveHelminen, Marjaana200344 129-139    
Swedish Company Legislation over Six Decades - A Brief OutlineHemström, Carl200445 193-202    
On Legal Framework in Comparative Administrative Law in EuropeHerala, Nina201561 153-184    
The European Arrest Warrant and the Rule of LawHerlin-Karnell, Ester202369 273-287    
Swedish Administrative Law: Some Characteristic FeaturesHerlitz, Nils19593 87-124    
Objectivity in Swedish Criminal ProceedingsHeuman, Lars200751 213-228    
Constitutional Rights in the Legislative ProcessHidén, Mikael197317 95-125    
ICT/Internet and the Right to PrivacyHiselius, Patrik201056 201-208    
The General Approach to Foreign ConfiscationsHjerner, Lars A.E.19582 177-218    
Emergency Arbitration in StockholmHobér, Kaj201763 69-94    
The Applicability of International Rules to the Sentencing of International Crimes in Domestic Trials: The Swedish CaseHolmgren, Axel202066 175-204    
The New Swedish Legislation on Administrative JurisdictionHolmgren, Kurt197418 71-86    
Defender, Spokesperson, Therapist: Representing the True Interest of the Client in Therapeutic LawHollander Anna, Jacobsson Maritha and Sjöström, Stefan200853 321-337    
Some Features of Finnish Environment Law: A Study in Conflicting InterestsHollo, Erkki Johannes197822 81-105    
The Objectives of the International Criminal Justice SystemHolm, Fanny202066 41-50    
Swedish Law and Practice on Victims of International CrimesHolm, Fanny202066 329-356    
The Danish System of Open Files in Public AdministrationHolm, Niels Eilschou197519 153-177    
The Danish Ombudsman and the European Conventin on Human RightsHolm, Niels Eilschou198630 75-100    
The Danish Ombudsman and the European Conventin on Human RightsHolm, Niels Eilschou198630 75-100    
Smart BuildingsHolm, Cyril201865 257-270    
Pro-Active Comparative Law: The Case Of Nordic LawHondius, Ewoud200750 143-156    
The Legislative Future of Carriage of Goods by Sea: Could it not be the UNCITRAL Draft?Honka, Hannu200446 93-120    
EC Competition Law on Multimodal Transport – Recent DevelopmentHonka, Hannu200039 89-109    
Is Finnish Tort Law in the Process of Being Americanized?Honka, Hannu200141 279-308    
Witness Statements in International ArbitrationHope, James201763 437-458    
The Carrier's Liability under the Scandinavian Bill of Lading Acts in Case of Concurrent CausesHoppu, Esko197115 107-127    
Protected Interest Theories in Penal ProcedureHov, Jo198630 101-122    
Electronic Administration in IcelandHreinsson, Páll200447 225-243    
The Status of Non-human Animals in Nordic Contract LawHultgren, Peter202167 71-86    
Nordic Constitutionalism and European Human Rights - Mixing Oil and Water?Husa, Jaakko201055 101-124    
Nordic Law and Development – See No Evil, Hear no Evil?Husa, Jaakko201560 15-33    
Hindu Law – Stateless Law?Husa, Jaakko201762 61-78    
Conception and Drafting of Court DecisionsHvidt, Mogens198226 77-93    
Towards a Theory of Law and Societal DevelopmentHydén, Håkan201560 443-472    
Conception and Drafting of Court DecisionsHydén, Håkan and Svensson, Måns200853 15-32    
The Legal Status of the LappsHyvönen, Veikko and Korpijaakko, Kaisa197923 107-129    
Reservation of Ownership According to Swedish LawHåstad, Torgny201257 101-106    
A Norwegian Perspective on the Prosecution of International CrimesHøgestøl, Sofie A. E.202066 407-434    
Disregard of the Legal Entity in Scandinavian Company LawHørlyck, Erik198024 205-217    
Some Reflections on the Method of Legal Science and on Legal ReasoningIllum, Knud196812 49-65    
Structural Criminal Investigations in Sweden - Reinventing Investigations of International CrimesIngeson, Miriam202066 357-366    
The Danish Supreme Court Through 300 YearsIuul, Stig19626 163-183    
Scandinavian Contract Law and its Implication on CISG – the Danish ApproachIversen, Torsten201257 107-115    
Danish Collective Labour Law and Its Development in Recent YearsJacobsen, Per197822 107-134    
Hearsay Testimony in SwedenJacobsson, Ulla197317 127-159    
Freedom of Speech and the Prohibition of Racial DiscriminationJakhelln, Henning198226 95-114    
Freedom of Speech Concerning Defence Matters: Illusion and RealityJakhelln, Henning198731 117-156    
Entering New and Converging Media Markets: How to Take a Proactive Approach to Legal Issues in the Electronic Communications SectorJakobsen Sandfeld, Søren200649 393-406    
Justification and Excuse in Swedish Criminal LawJareborg, Nils198731 157-174    
Crime IdeologiesJareborg, Nils200040 431-443    
The Move to Stockholm of the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) during the Second World WarJarvin, Sigvard201763 115-138    
The Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Domestic Scandinavian LawJensen, Søren Stenderup199135 57-106    
The Value of Proactive Methodological Approaches for Understanding Environmental LawJóhannsdóttir, Aðalheiður201459 243-258    
Adjudicating Civil Claims in Criminal ProceedingsJespersen, Halfdan Krag197115 129-142    
Settlement of Disputed Marine Insurance ClaimsJohansson, O. Svante200446 121-133    
The Allocation of Power Between the Management and the General Meeting of ShareholdersJohansson, Svante199236 123-141    
Registration and Execution of Amendments of Articles of AssociationJohansson, Svante200445 203-214    
Assessing IRI’s Contribution to the Development of ICT Law in AfricaJohn, Ubena201865 113-126    
Finnish Choice of Law Problems of East-West TradeJokela, Heikki19626 185-200    
The role of Usages in the Uniform Law on International SalesJokela, Heikki196610 81-96    
The Use of the Internet, Social Media and Search Engines by Public Authorities in the Context of Administrative InvestigationsJonason, Patricia201865 271-284    
A Model for the Weighing and Balancing of Interest in the Prosecutor's Legal DiscretionJonkka, Jaakko200751 229-262    
The Long and Winding Road Tunnel Case: Compensation for Procurement Damage in Icelandic LawJónsson, Eiríkur201257 117-126    
Excise Duties in Finland in a Historical PerspectiveJuanto, Leila200344 141-154    
Rule of Law Discourses in Swedish Labour LawJulén Votinius, Jenny202369 377-393    
Icelandic Labour LawJúlíusdóttir, Lára V.200243 357-374    
Good Practice Standards – a Regulation ToolJull Sørensen, Marie201358 129-153    
Enforcing Taxation on International Investments - The Possibilities of Ensuring Effective Taxation of International Portfolio Income from a Finnish PerspectiveJuusela, Janne200344 155-177    
Constitutional Aspects of the Exercise of the Finnish President's Powers as Commander in-chiefJyränki, Antero197014 35-58    
Swedish State Officials and their Position Under Public Law and Labour LawJägerskiöld, Stig19604 101-123    
Tyrannicide and the Right of Resistance, 1792-1809: A Study on J.J. AnckarströmJägerskiöld, Stig19648 67-103    
Roman Influence on Swedish Case Law in the 17th CenturyJägerskiöld, Stig196711 175-209    
The Recognition and Legal Effects of Foreign Adoptions in SwedenJänterä-Jareborg, Maarit199236 91-121    
Toward Strict Liability in TortJørgensen, Stig19637 25-59    
Contract as FormJørgensen, Stig196610 97-125    
Grotius's Doctrine of ContractJørgensen, Stig196913 107-125    
Ideology and ScienceJørgensen, Stig197418 87-107    
Idealism and Realism in JurisprudenceJørgensen, Stig197721 93-118    
Tort Law and DevelopmentJørgensen, Stig198832 69-81    
On Concepts in LawJørgensen, Stig200040 134-145    
Lawyers and HermeneuticsJørgensen, Stig200040 181-188    
Profession and FunctionJørgensen, Stig200141 309-322    
Raped? Sexual Assault in Criminal ProceedingsKainulainen, Heini200751 263-280    
The Function and the Order of InheritanceKangas, Urpo198529 79-99    
A Conceptual Puzzle and its Consequences: Institutional Twinning Equals Technical Assistance?Kapnias Jonic, Lovorka201560 335-366    
Usage and Statute LawKarlgren, Hjalmar19615 39-77    
Regulation of Unpredictable Effects of Decision Making Systems is Non-trivialKarlgren, Jussi201865 127-132    
European Originality: A Copyright ChimeraKarnell, Gunnar W.G.200242 73-82    
The Historical Background of Finnish Constitutional IdeasKastari, Paavo19637 61-77    
Successful Outsourcing through Proactive Contracting - Strategy, Risk Assessment and ImplementationKavaleff, Anette200649 215-226    
Judicial Review Within Danish Tax LawKerzel, Malene200344 179-193    
Outrage upon the Personal Dignity of the Dead in International and Swedish War Crimes Legislation and Case LawAndersson, Anna202066 245-280    
Issues of Security and Interoperability in Electronic Public ProcurementKirchberger, Christine and y Olano, Jon Ramón200447 51-77    
Animal Rights and Rhetorical TopoiKivinen, Tero202167 179-202    
The Concept of "Gross Negligence" in Sec. 19 (2)(i) of the Liability Act and Sec. 18(2) of the Insurance Agreement ActKjærgaard, Lisbeth200141 323-344    
Assessment of DisabilityKjønstad, Asbjørn198226 115-142    
From the Black Death to AidsKjønstad, Asbjørn198832 83-115    
Tobacco and Tort LiabilityKjønstad, Asbjørn200141 345-392    
Trials in Sweden, Participants in the Proceedings and other ActorsKlamberg, Mark202066 27-40    
The Evolution of Swedish Legislation on International CrimesKlamberg, Mark202066 205-216    
Evidentiary Matters in the Context of Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes in Sweden: Admissibility, Digital Evidence and Judicial NoticeKlamberg, Mark202066 367-384    
Swedish Case Law on the Contextual Elements Relating to War CrimesKlamberg, Mark and Andersson, Anna202066 217-244    
Jurisdiction and Immunities in Sweden When Investigating and Prosecuting International CrimesMartinsson, Dennis and Klamberg, Mark202066 51-78    
Burden of Proof: Truth or Law?Klami, Hannu Tapani, Hattakka, Minna, Sorvettula, Johanna199034 115-149    
The Indemnity Liability of the Public Legal Entity–Public-Law Regulation with Private-Law MeansKleineman, Jan199236 143-179    
Adviser's Liability in Connection with Duty to Inform - a Problem InventoryKleineman, Jan200141 393-420    
The Duty to Notify with Respect to Adviser LiabilityKleineman, Jan201257 127-153    
Right of Resistance - A European Democratic NotionKand, Henning200752 155-186    
Methods of Environmental Law Research in FinlandKokko, Kai201459 285-319    
The First Intelligence Legislation for FinlandKorhonen, Rauno201865 133-142    
EU Soft Law in Domestic Legal Systems: Flexibility and Diversity Guaranteed?Korkea-aho, Emilia201358 155-175    
Employment Privacy Protection - Nordic Comparative Perspectivesvon Koskull, Anders200243 335-356    
Judicial Control of Administrative PowersKrarup, Ole197115 143-162    
Judgments Relating to Arbitral Awards and the European Union’s Principle of Mutual TrustKremer, Bianca201763 139-168    
The Plateau of Legality What Makes Law ‘Law’?Kristjánsson, Dan Hafsteinn201762 15-34    
The Governing Idea of the Rule of LawKristjánsson, Dan Hafsteinn202369 13-39    
Compensation for Procurement Damage - A Nordic ExposéKrüger, Kai201257 155-193    
The Indirect Effect of the Treaty on a Constitution for EuropeKrunke, Helle200752 187-202    
The Forseeability Test in Relation to Negligence, Strict Liability, Remoteness of Damage, and Insurance LawKruse, A Vinding19659 93-129    
Civil and Criminal Liability for Advice Pertaining to Issues of TaxationKruse, A Vinding and Lett, Jesper198933 167-202    
The Roles of the Finnish Authorities Specialising in Animal Welfare OffencesKoskela, Tarja202167 129-162    
Compensation from State Funds for Damage Caused by CrimeKoskinen, Pekka197620 145-161    
Finnish Law on the Supervision of Safety at Work and its SanctionsKoskinen, Pirkko K198024 219-232    
Legal Challenges of Providing Global Online ServicesKuusniemi, Leena201056 287-302    
The Growth of Social Private LawKällström, Kent200750 367-380    
Employment Agreements and Contract Work in the Nordic CountriesKällström, Kent200243 77-86    
Criminal Sanctions in Finland: A System in TransitionLahti, Raimo197721 119-157    
Scandinavian Law in Practical Implication: Characteristic Features, Solutions of International Interest, Social DimensionLando, Ole200750 157-162    
The Proper Law of the ContractLando, Ole19648 105-201    
Standard contracts: A Proposal and a PerspectiveLando, Ole196610 127-148    
Some Features of the Law of Contract in the Third MilleniumLando, Ole200040 343-402    
Determinants of the Optimal Degree of Pro-activeness in ContractingLando, Henrik200649 255-262    
Democracy, Legitimacy and ConstitutionalismLangdal, Fredrik and von Sydow, Göran200752 351-370    
Unfolding from Nonexistence: the Dynamic but Contested Evolution of LGBT-human RightsLanglet, David201055 339-374    
Nord Stream, the Environment and the Law: Disentangling a Multijurisdictional Energy ProjectLanglet, David201459 79-108    
Law and ‘the Last Frontier’ – the Contested Role of Law in Relation toMarine Living ResourcesLanglet, David201762 163-176    
Bribery, Bribery across Borders and the Like from a Danish PerspectiveLangsted, Lars Bo200954 247-268    
The Role of Civil Society Advocacy in Equality Law – Lessons for the NordicsLappalainen, Paul202268 451-490    
Imprisonment and Penal Policy in FinlandLappi-Seppälä, Tapio200954 333-380    
Legal Aspects of Medical ExperimentationLarsen, Bent Unmack197620 163-176    
Telecom Companies as Crime InvestigatorsLarsson, Conny200447 421-449    
Telecom Operator’s Incident InvestigationsLarsson, Conny201056 229-246    
Legal Definitions of the Environment and of Environmental DamageLarsson, Marie-Louise199938 155-176    
Identity and Res JudicataLarsson, Sven197721 159-175    
Liability of Intermediaries for Copyright Infringement in the Case of Hosting on the InternetLarusdottir, Jonina S.200447 471-490    
Expedited Arbitration – Meeting the Needs of SMEsLarusson, Haflidi Kristjan201763 169-180    
Collectivism and Individual Rights in Norwegian Copyright LawLassen, Birger Stuevold19637 79-106    
Documentarism and the Law: On Dichtung und Wahrheit as a Problem for Law-makersLassen, Birger Stuevold199135 107-125    
On Copyright in Saami JoiksLassen, Birger Stuevold199938 115-124    
On a Fundamental Problem: The Legal Theory of PredictionLauridsen, Preben Stuer197620 177-204    
Sickness Benefit Entitlement in Swedish LawLavin, Rune198226 143-169    
Pre-commitments, Disagreement and the Limits of ConstitutionalismLebeck, Carl200548 133-156    
Corruption – A Swedish Problem?Leijonhufvud, Madeleine199938 127-151    
Legal Science and Criminal PolicyLeijonhufvud, Madeleine200040 421-429    
The Mens Rea Element of Intent in the Context of International Criminal Trials in SwedenLekvall, Ebba and Martinsson, Dennis202066 99-130    
Avoidance of Preference and Fraudulent Transfers under Swedish Bankruptcy LawLennander, Gertrud198327 65-96    
Debt Adjustment for Private IndividualsLennander, Gertrud199135 127-154    
Concepts as Property? On the Use and Abuse of ConceptsLernestedt, Claes200548 157-176    
Insanity and the "Gap" in the Law: Swedish Criminal Law Rides AgainLernestedt, Claes200954 79-108    
Beyond Law’s Anthropocentrism: A Sociolegal Reflection on Animal Law and the More-Than-Human TurnLeth-Espensen, Marie and Svensson, Måns202167 35-50    
Design Protection in Practice: A Comparative AnalysisLevin, Marianne198630 123-151    
Intellectual Property Rights in Transition: Legal Structures and Concepts in Adaptation to Technological Challenges Towards an Intellectual Property System for the 21st Century: A Nordic-European Research ProgrammeLevin, Marianne200242 83-95    
Silencing the Conflict of Interests between Parental Rights and the Rights of the Child? Legal Requirements for the Social Services to Interview ChildrenLeviner, Pernilla and Kaldal, Anna200750 381-392    
The Swedish Prohibition against Corporal Punishment from a Comparative Perspective - Effects and ChallengesLeviner, Pernilla201561 219-246    
Law and Legislation in the Icelandic CommonwealthLíndahl, Sigurður199337 53-92    
IT Law from a Practitioner’s PerspectiveLindberg, Agne and Svensson, Daniel201056 11-32    
Participation in International Crime Pursuant to Swedish and International Criminal Law – Perpetration and Accomplice LiabilitySvensson, Erik202066 79-98    
On the Distinction between Procedural and Substantive LawLindblom, Per Henrik197418 108-149    
The Protection of Diffuse, Fragmented and Collective Interests in Civil Litigation in SwedenLindblom, Per Henrik198529 101-135    
The Role of the Supreme Courts in ScandinaviaLindblom, Per Henrik200039 325-366    
The Growing Role of the Courts and the new Functions of Judicial Process - Fact or Flummery?Lindblom, Per Henrik200751 281-310    
Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Administration of Justice - Basic PrinciplesLindell, Bengt200751 311-344    
Allege or Refer to Legal Facts – What Does it Mean?Lindell, Bengt201763 181-194    
Unique Features in Swedish Tax LawLindencrona, Gustaf200750 163-178    
Inflation-Adjusted Taxation and Index-Linked LoansLindencrona, Gustaf198327 97-106    
What Makes a Piece of Tax Legislation Really Unsuccessful?Lindencrona, Gustaf199337 93-107    
Cross-border Enforcement in the European FrameworkLindfors, Heidi200751 345-358    
Taxes and Benefits in an Internationalised Economy - The Case of Tuition Fees in Higher EducationLindencrona, Gustaf200344 195-205    
Road Traffic TaxationLinnakangas, Esko200344 207-219    
Swedish Tax Reforms 1971-77 –Why so Many?Lodin Sven-Olof197721 177-208    
Fault and No-Fault in Danish, American and International Sales LawLookofsky, Joseph198327 107-138    
The Harmonization of Private and Commercial Law: “Towards a European Civil Code”Lookofsky, Joseph200039 111-121    
Privacy in the Noise SocietyLundblad, Nicklas200447 349-371    
Law, Technology and TimeLundblad Berild, Nicklas201865 401-416    
International Jurisdiction over Cross-border Private Enforcement Actions under the GDPRLundstedt, Lydia201865 213-256    
Scire leges non hoc est, verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatemLyles, Max200548 177-202    
The Privilege of Cancellation of Contracts in Scandinavian LawLyngsø, Preben197317 161-174    
White-Collar Economic Crime in Sweden: The Debtor as CriminalLöfmarck, Madeleine198125 109-129    
The Right in a Person's Own LikenessLögdberg, Åke196711 211-239    
Delimitation of Maritime Zones Between Sweden and the Soviet Union–An AppraisalMahmoudi, Said199034 151-180    
Protection of the European Environment after the Amsterdam TreatyMahmoudi, Said200039 123-137    
Concerning the Principle of jura novit curia in Arbitration from a Swedish PerspectiveMadsen, Finn201763 195-218    
Return to the Copenhagen "Magic Circle": First Elements of a Longitudinal Study of Large Law Firms in DenmarkMadsen, Mikael Rask200853 303-319    
The Impact of Consumer Law on the Law of Contracts in DenmarkMadsen, Palle Bo198428 83-101    
The Scandinavian Reservation under Art. 92 CISGMagnus, Ulrich201257 195-216    
Bridges and Developers – Monistic Tendencies in the Icelandic Maritime Zones ActMagnússon, Bjarni Már201560 425-442    
Investment Protection and Revolutionary MovementsMagnússon, Finnur201763 219-244    
Proactive Law - and the Importance of Data and Information ResourcesMagnusson, Jarl S.200649 407-424    
Access to Courts for Civil Proceedings In IcelandMagnússon, Sigurdur Tómas200751 359-382    
The Use of Experts in Icelandic Law of ProcedureMagnússon, Skúli200751 383-392    
Legal Information Supply and the Digital DivideMagnusson Sjöberg, Cecilia200750 393-408    
Managing Electronic Signatures - Current ChallengesMagnusson Sjöberg, Cecilia and Nordén, Anna200447 79-95    
Presentation of the Nordic School of Proactive LawMagnusson Sjöberg, Cecilia200649 13-20    
The Swedish Administrative Procedure Act and DigitalisationMagnusson Sjöberg, Cecilia201865 309-320    
Sexual Violence and Gender-Based International Crimes in Swedish Case LawSjöholm, Maria202066 281-306    
From the Control of the Family to Its AutonomyMahkonen, Sami198832 117-133    
Self-Defence and International TerrorismMahmoudi, Said200548 203-214    
International Environmental Law Perspective on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy DevelopmentMalla, Katak201459 109-146    
Long Term Contracts Between Unequal Parties in Sweden - a Comparison between Contracts of Employment, Franchising, Consumer Insurance and Residential LeaseMalmberg, Jonas200750 409-422    
The Collective Agreement as an Instrument for Regulation of Wages and Employment ConditionsMalmberg, Jonas200243 189-213    
Children's Welfare in Family LawMalmström, Åke19571 123-136    
The System of Legal Systems: Notes on a Problem of Classification in Comparative LawMalmström, Åke196913 127-149    
Compensation for Victims in Public Legislation and as a Civil RightMannelqvist, Ruth200750 423-434    
A Revised Look at the Hanish-islands Arbitration: The Dual Role of Diplomacy and Inter-state Arbitration to Force Lasting Resolution of Military ConflictsMarian, Cornel201763 245-260    
Political Obligation: Some Problems and an Attempted SolutionMartin, Rex200548 215-228    
Criminal Law and Competition InfringementsMatikkala, Jussi200954 269-288    
The Influence of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on Norwegian Criminal ProcedureMatningsdal, Magnus200751 399-418    
Recovery of Child Support from Finland to Foreign CountriesMattila, Heikki E S198832 135-170    
Taxes and Confiscation: Some Remarks on the Constitutionality of Swedish Tax LawsMattsson, Nils198832 171-196    
Beneficial Loans to EmployeesMatre, Hugo P.200344 221-227    
Some Reflections on the European Company from a Tax Point of ViewMattsson, Nils200344 229-246    
Jurisdiction and Internet in Relation to Commercial Law Disputes in a European ContextMaunsbach, Ulf and Lindskoug, Patrik201056 303-328    
Some Reflexions Concerning Jurisdiction in Cases on Cross-border Trademark Infringements Through the InternetMaunsbach, Ulf200447 493-512    
Anti-Discrimination Law and Systemic Racism: Challenges for the EU and the Nordic CountriesMcEachrane, Michael202268 119-150    
The Protection of RefugeesMelander, Göran197418 151-178    
International Humanitarian Law and Human RightsMelander, Göran198529 137-148    
Some Problems Concerning the Taxation of Capital Gains in SwedenMelz, Peter198832 197-209    
Comprehensive Income Taxation of Personal Dwellings - the Swedish ExperienceMelz, Peter200344 247-258    
Legality in Administrative Law: Some Trends in Evolution and Practical ExperiencesMerikoski, V19604 125-149    
Foreign Trust in Finland: Starting Points for Assessing its Legal Effects in Cross-border CasesMikkola, Tuulikki201561 371-384    
Swedish Credit Security Law – A Case for Law Reform?Millqvist, Göran201257 217-228    
A Century of Norwegian Research into Sámi RightsMinde, Henry199337 109-140    
The Condition of Conditionality – Closing in on 20 Years of Conditionality Clauses in ACP-EU RelationsMoberg, Andreas201560 275-306    
Auditors' Liability for DamagesMoberg, Krister200445 215-248    
Harmonization or Separation? Deep Structures in Nordic Legal CulturesModéer, Kjell Å200750 179-184    
From Unlaw to Law: Swedish Reactions within the Legal Profession to the Re-establishment of Rule of Law in the Nordic Countries and Western Germany 1945 – 1955Modéer, Kjell Å202369 39-55    
Legislative Initiative in the Field of Direct Taxation in the ECMohamed, Sideek200445 249-258    
The International Protection of the National Identity of the Åland IslandsModeen, Tore197317 175-210    
The Founding of the Supreme Administrative Court in Finland set Against its … Background in Sweden and FinlandModeen, Tore197721 209-240    
The System of Sanctions in Medical Care Relationships in Finnish LawModeen, Tore198428 103-122    
The Right to Private School EducationModeen, Tore198832 211-242    
Living Ruins of the Law: On Legal Change and Legal History in Late ModernityModéer, Kjell Å200853 219-230    
The European Union: Rhetoric and RealityMoravcsik, Andrew200752 383-392    
Harmonisation of Contract Law: In Search of a Solution to the Good Faith ProblemMunukka, Jori200548 229-250    
Transnational Contract Law Principles in Swedish Case Law – PICC, PECL and DCFRMunukka, Jori201257 229-252    
The Development of Capital Income Taxation in Sweden 1928-2002Mutén, Leif200344 259-275    
Formal Provisions and the Elimination of Their Detrimental ConsequencesMuukkonen, P.J.19615 79-94    
So-called Extraordinary or Untraditional Investigative MethodsMyhrer, Tor-Geir200751 419-436    
Basic Research in Tax LawMyrsky, Matti200344 277-287    
Bullying at School in Finland and Sweden: Are there any Effective Legal Remedies?Mäntylä, Niina201561 247-262    
Academic Freedom and the Rule of LawMäntylä, Niina and Autioniemi, Jari and Kosonen, Jonna202369 393-421    
Security Measures Directed at Money Payable under Documentary Credits–Recent Swedish Case LawNerep, Erik198529 149-183    
New Tendencies in Modern Nordic Constitutional Doctrine or the Development of Nordic Constitutional Law: Introduction and General BackgroundNergelius, Joakim200752 11-16    
Remarks on the Recent Rule of Law Debate in the Nordic StatesNergelius, Joakim202369 55-65    
New Trends in Scandinavian Constitutional ReviewNguyên Duy, Iris201561 11-49    
EU Public Procurement Law and Nordic Labour Law - Recent Developments and Future ChallengesNielsen, Ruth200750 185-220    
Employment and ICT LawNielsen, Ruth200447 97-110    
The Role of Comparative Law in EU Legal MethodNielsen, Ruth201561 71-86    
Working Expenses and Working Losses: A Study of Taxation LawNielsen, Thøger19604 151-176    
The Community Directive on Investment Services: The Controversy on Mutual Recognition and Home Country ControlNielsen, Poul Runge200039 139-183    
Nordic and EU Labour LawNielsen, Ruth200243 37-75    
Employment and ICT LawNielsen, Ruth201056 59-74    
Labour Law in a Period in which Law Loosens its Ties with the Nation States – Towards a New European Legal Realism?Nielsen, Ruth201762 317-332    
Digitization of the Sources of LawNielsen, Ruth201865 101-112    
A Conventionalist Analysis of the Preconditions of Knowledge in Legal Dogmatics and the Foundations of Legal OrdersNiemi, Matti Ilmari200040 95-107    
Human Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesNieminen, Liisa201055 375-390    
Equality and Social Rights within the Finnish Welfare StateNieminen, Liisa202268 231-248    
The Crime of Genocide Before Swedish CourtsNilsson, Jonas202066 307-328    
Arbitration and Domestic Courts in Norway: Sibling RivalryNisja, Ola Ø.201763 261-268    
The Notion of Originality - Redundant or not?Nordell, Per Jonas200242 97-111    
Electronic Invoicing – Evidencing a Taxable Supply in the Light of the New VAT DirectiveNordén, Anna201056 75-90    
Grounds for Excluding Criminal Responsibility for International Crimes under Domestic Swedish LawNorée, Annika and Andreev, Dennis202066 131-156    
Prerequisites for the Victim's Direct Claim Against a Liability Insurer According to the Finnish Insurance Contract ActNorio-Timonen, Jaana201864 115-130    
The Role of the Finnish Supreme Court in the Legislative ProcessNouisiainen, Jaakko197923 131-148    
Temporary Employment: A Critical Study of the Swedish Regulations Governing Categories of Employment …Numhauser-Henning, Ann198630 154-182    
Land Ownership: A Critical Study of the Swedish Land Acquisition and its FunctionsNumhauser-Henning, Ann199034 181-210    
Fixed-term Work in Nordic Labour LawNumhauser-Henning, Ann200243 277-310    
Sexual Harassment at Work – Discrimination versus Dignity Harm A Comment in the Wake of the #metoo MovementNumhauser-Henning, Ann202268 313-328    
The Ethics of Criminal JusticeNuotio, Kimmo200954 63-78    
Who is Subject to Liability Pursuant to Section 55 of The Pollution Act?Nygaard, Nils199938 177-193    
Placing the Burden of Proof of a Hypothetical CauseNygaard, Nils200141 421-452    
Civil Procedure and the Rule of Law in ScandinaviaNylund, Anna202369 121-145    
The New Swedish ConstitutionNyman, Olle198226 170-199    
Weak Property Rights and Unequal Distribution of Wealth as Obstacles for Development: An Institutional Analysis on Russian TransitionNysten-Haarala, Soili201560 221-252    
Legal Pluralism and Globalizing Business ContractsNysten-Haarala, Soili201762 297-316    
On the Definition of Criminal Liability as an Accessory in Danish Law With Particular Reference to Cases of Violence and Robbery Resulting in HomicideNørby Møller-Sørensen, Annette200954 109-130    
The Principle of Equality in Danish Administrative LawNørgaard, Carl Aage196711 241-268    
Copyright Liability and the Internet from the Finnish Law Point of ViewOesch, Rainer200242 113-125    
Main Rule of Icelandic Contract Law Regarding Wrong Premises and Recalculation of Unlawful Exchange-rate LoansÓlafsdóttir, Ása201257 253-272    
Children and Advertising - a Swedish Perspective on the Relevant Legal ArgumentsOlsen, Lena200750 435-462    
Four Points on Point four: Implementing Environmental Quality Standards in SwedenOlsen Lundh, Christina201459 319-350    
EU Law and the Response of the Constitutional Law Committee of the Finnish ParliamentOjanen, Tuomas200752 203-226    
Equality and Non-discrimination in Human Rights Treaties and Nordic ConstitutionsOjanen, Tuomas202268 91-118    
The Legal Theories of Axel Hägerström and Vilhelm LundstedtOlivecrona, Karl19593 125-150    
The Right to Freedom of Religion: a Critical ReviewOlsen Palmer, Henrik200752 227-254    
Four Competing Approaches to International Soft LawOlsson Alkan, Ilhami201358 177-196    
General Clauses for the Protection of Minority Shareholders in the Scandinavian Companies ActOlsson, Curt196711 269-295    
Big Brother, Small Sisters and Free Speech: Reanalyzing some Threats to Personal PrivacyOlsson, Anders R200447 373-387    
Law and Cyber Society: Socio-legal Perspectives on the InternetOlsson, Patrik200853 391-406    
A Global Labour Market – Risks and OpportunitiesOlsson Herzfeld, Petra201762 333-346    
Limitation of Sovereignty Under the Norwegian ConstitutionOpsahl, Torkel196913 151-177    
Human Rights Today: International Oblications and National ImplementationOpsahl, Torkel197923 149-176    
The Rule Against Retroactive Criminal Legislation: Reflections Based on an Early Swedish CasePalmgren, Bo19615 95-110    
Grasping the “Invention” in the Digital World. 'Technical Effect and Technical Character' in a Technologically Neutral (?) Patent SystemPapadopoulou, Frantzeska201865 417-430    
Contract Management: Design Parameters and Challenges to ImplementationParis, Carolyn E.C.200649 195-214    
An Overview on Practical Reason in AquinasPattaro, Enrico200548 251-268    
Some Issues in the Exchange between Hans Kelsen and Erich KaufmannPaulson, Stanley L.200548 269-290    
The Concept "Valid Law"Peczenik, Alexander197216 211-251    
Theory Choice in JurisprudencePeczenik, Alexander200548 291-308    
Features of Danish Law Concerning Property Rights and Obligations of Unmarried CohabitantsPedersen, Inger Margrete198125 131-150    
Tax ExploitationPedersen, Jan199135 155-183    
Tax Aspects of Groups of Companies - Finnish ExperiencesPenttilä, Seppo200344 289-302    
Over-indebtedness - a Growing ProblemPersson, Annina H200750 463-476    
Bona Fide Acquisition of Cars and other Motor VehiclesPersson, Annina H201257 273-282    
EC Law and Protection of the Swedish Tax BasePersson Österman, Roger and Ståhl, Kristina200344 303-330    
Privileges, Rights and Advantages: Inuit, Danish, and European Subjects in the MakingPetersen, Hanne200853 205-218    
Studying Legal Cultures and Encounters? Methodological and Other ReflectionsPetersen, Hanne201561 113-134    
Myth and Other Norms in World Society. The 'Thule-case' – a Case of Sociology of World Law?Petersen, Hanne201762 101-116    
What Has Logic Got to Do with It? On the Use of Logic in Christian Wolff's Theory of Natural LawPeterson, Claes200548 309-320    
Profit Sharing Between Employer and EmployeePeterson, Claes198226 201-228    
Nordic and International LawmakingPetrén, Sture196812 67-89    
Law in a Global Knowledge Economy - Following the Path of Scandinavian Sociolegal TheoryPetrusson, Ulf and Mats Glavå200853 93-133    
Desperately Seeking Reason - New Directions for European Environmental Criminal LawPirjatanniemi, Elina200954 409-430    
Building a National Intellectual Property Protection System: Some Issues Concerning Copyright and Related Rights in EstoniaPisuke, Heiki200242 127-145    
Investigation and Prosecution in Denmark of International CrimesPlum, Lars202066 435-456    
Proactive Law in AcademiaPohjonen, Soile200649 53-70    
The Doctrine on Non-acceptance (Mora Accipiendi)Portin, Göran19648 203-219    
On the Problems of Taxation of Gifts Given by SpousesPuronen, Pertti199135 185-213    
The Notion of Net Income: Drawing the Line Between Professional and Personal ExpensesPåhlsson, Robert200344 331-344    
The Institute of Lis Pendens in International Civil ProcedurePålsson, Lennart197014 59-108    
Witness Examination in Finnish Criminal TrialsPölönen, Pasi200751 437-450    
Scandinavian Idea of Informational Fairness in Law - Encounters of Scandinavian and European Freedom of Information and Copyright LawPöysti, Tuomas200750 221-248    
ICT and Legal Principles: Sources and Paradigm of Information LawPöysti, Tuomas200447 559-600    
Information Government in Practise: Functional Gains and Legal PerilsPöysti, Tuomas201056 91-124    
Trust on Digital Administration and PlatformsPöysti, Tuomas201865 321-366    
Cause and Damage: Interpretation of Liability-activating Causation Terms in Property InsuranceRadetzki, Marcus199938 315-430    
Interpretation of Terms and Conditions of InsuranceRadetzki, Marcus201864 131-166    
Equality ForewordCarlson, Laura202268 1-13    
Conceptions of Equality and the Distribution of Wealth in Human Rights AdjudicationRagnarsson, Kári Hólmar202268 13-36    
Administrative Appeal and Extraordinary Remedies in SwedenRagnemalm, Hans197620 205-231    
The Hidden Secrets of Scandinavian Contract LawRamberg, Christina200750 249-256    
Electronic Communications under the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, CISGRamberg, Christina200447 111-130    
The Legal Practitioners’ Problems in Finding the Law Relating to CISG – Hardship, Defect Goods and Standard TermsRamberg, Christina201257 283-291    
Arbitrators and the Application of Law and Legal PrinciplesRamberg, Jan201763 269-274    
The Vanishing Scandinavian Sales LawRamberg, Jan200750 257-264    
The Future Law of Transport Operators and Service ProvidersRamberg, Jan200446 135-151    
The Law of Carriage of Gods – Attempts at HarmonizationRamberg, Jan197317 211-252    
Autonomy of Contract and Non-Mandatory LawRamberg, Jan199337 141-155    
The Law and Practice of International Commercial Contracts in the 2000sRamberg, Jan200039 431-437    
The Future of International Unification of Transport LawRamberg, Jan200141 453-458    
The Future of International Unification of Transport LawRatamäki, Outi and Peltola, Taru202167 255-272    
The Need for a Legitimate Regulatory Regime in Bioethics: A Global and European PerspectiveReichel, Jane201358 197-216    
Public Access or Data Protection as a Guiding Principle in the EU’s Composite Administration? - An Analysis of the ReNEUAL Model Code in the Light of Swedish and European Case LawReichel, Jane201865 285-308    
EU Participatory Democracy from Promise to Practice: The Role of IOs and NGOsReichel, Jane and Hellner, Agnes201762 199-229    
The Suitability of the Decision as a General Principle in Danish Administrative LawRevsbech, Karsten199236 181-199    
A Legal Perspective on the Creditworthiness of the MunicipalitiesRiberdahl, Curt199236 201-217    
Digital Certificates and Certification ServicesRiisnæs, Rolf200447 131-151    
The Draft International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology and Standards of Fairness in Contract RelationshipsRissanen, Kirsti198327 139-162    
Genealogies of Soft Lawdi Robilant, Anna201358 217-268    
Adjustment of Contracts on Account of Changed ConditionsRodhe, Knut19593 151-197    
The Quantum of Damages Under the Scandinavian Sale of Goods ActRodhe, Knut196610 149-171    
Care Workers in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Questions of Injury Compensation from a Gender PerspectiveRognlien Gundersby, Ida202268 287-312    
Protection of the Insured InvestorRokas, Ioannis and Siafarika, Athina201864 167-186    
Equal Rights and Discrimination Law in ScandinaviaRoseberry, Lynn200243 215-256    
Comparative Notes on Shareholders' Voting AgreementsRoos, Carl Martin197115 163-189    
On Insurer GenerosityRoos, Carl Martin198125 151-165    
Analysis and Evaluation of Compensation Systems: The Example of Pollution DamageRoos, Carl Martin199034 211-234    
Server Copyright Liability - Notes on the Swedish Act on Liability for Intermediaries and two Recent Decisions of the Swedish Supreme CourtRosén, Jan200242 147-163    
Administrative Institutions in Copyright: Notes on the Nordic CountriesRosén, Jan200242 165-176    
A Copyright Act in the melting-pot: A new setting for copyright matters, individuality and collectivisation of contracts – a Swedish proposalRosén, Jan201056 397-418    
Uses of a Computer Program - within the Frames of Exclusive Rights?Rosén, Jan201865 431-442    
Tû-TûRoss, Alf19571 137-153    
On the Concepts "State" and "State Organs" in Constitutional LawRoss, Alf19615 111-129    
The Campaign Against PunishmentRoss, Alf197014 109-148    
Intent in English LawRoss, Alf197923 177-209    
What Constitute a Traffic Accident? The Finnish Approach to some Definitional ProblemsRoutamo, Eero197014 149-165    
Foreseeability and Law and EconomicsRunesson, Eric M200141 459-466    
Constitutional Interpretation - Between Legalism and Law-MakingRytter Elo, Jens200752 255-272    
Which Freedom of the Press? - The Press Conceived as an 'Open Forum' or a 'Privileged Watchdog'Rytter Elo, Jens201055 181-210    
The Concept of a Beneficial Owner in the Application of Finnish Tax TreatiesRyynänen, Olli200344 345-366    
News under the Athens Sun - New Principles and Lost Opportunities of the Athens Convention 2002Røsæg, Erik200446 153-173    
Soft Law in the Conventions for the Unification of Maritime LawRøsæg, Erik201358 269-284    
Court Decisions as the Focus of StudySaarenpää, Ahti198428 123-150    
E-government and Good Government: An Impossible Equation in the new Network Society?Saarenpää, Ahti200447 245-273    
Legal Informatics: a Modern Social Science and a Crucial OneSaarenpää, Ahti201865 15-38    
The Role of Agreements in Virtual OrganisationsSadighi Firozabadi, Babak and Sergot, Marek200649 297-304    
Jurimetrics and the Ascertainment of PaternitySaldeen, Åke198125 167-203    
Some Reflections on Children’s Rights in a European PerspectiveSaldeen, Åke200039 185-206    
Boards of Limited Companies: Internal Governance StructuresSamuelsson, Per200445 259-278    
Exemption of Liability - Where to Draw the Lineaf Sandeberg, Catarina200445 279-292    
The Interaction of Society, Politics and Law: The Legal and Communicative Theories of Habermas, Luhmann and TeubnerSand, Inger-Johanne200853 45-75    
From National Sovereignty to International and Global Cooperation: The Changing Context and Challenges of Constitutional Law in a Global SocietySand, Inger-Johanne200752 273-298    
A Social Law of Contract?Sandgren, Claes199337 157-196    
On Empirical Legal ScienceSandgren, Claes200040 445-482    
Interpretation of Patent ClaimsSandgren, Claes200242 177-190    
Law and RealitySandgren, Claes200548 321-328    
Law - Fact, Fiction or In Between? Axel Hägerström's Quest for Legal RealismSandström, Marie200548 329-340    
Direct and Indirect Loss Under “Catch 22” in the Nordic Law of SalesSandvik, Björn199938 25-53    
Rule of Law and Public Administration in Sweden. Law, Politics, CultureSannerholm, Richard202369 231-253    
The Planned Constitutional Reform in FinlandSaraviita, Ilkka197822 135-147    
The Employee's Responsibility for Industrial Actions: A Study of Finnish LawSarkko, Kaarlo197216 253-281    
Conative Attitudes and Normative TruthsSartor, Giovanni200548 341-370    
Awarding Costs in International Commercial ArbitrationSavola, Mika201763 275-318    
More Than Just Blind Guardians?: A Legal Analysis of Finnish Parliamentary Oversight of IntelligenceWidlund, Joonas202369 65-95    
Making Access Rights OperativeSchartum, Dag Wiese200447 275-294    
Introduction to a Government-based Perspective on Proactive LawSchartum, Dag Wiese200649 35-52    
Developing E-government Systems - Legal, Technological and Organizational AspectsSchartum, Dag Wiese201056 125-150    
From Facts to Decision Data: About the Factual Basis of Automated Individual DecisionsSchartum, Dag Wiese201865 379-400    
Finnish Legal Pulications in English, Frensh and German 1957-77Schauman, Henrik198024 233-286    
CMR Liability in a Law and Economics PerspectiveSchelin, Johan200446 175-190    
Documents under the UNCITRAL Draft Instrument on Carriage of Goods by SeaSchelin, Johan200446 191-199    
The Nordic Countries in the Vanguard of European Family LawScherpe, Jens M200750 265-288    
Construction of StatutesSchmidt, Folke19571 155-198    
Model, Intention, Fault: Three Canons for Interpretation of ContractsSchmidt, Folke19604 177-207    
The German Abstract Approach to Law: comments on the System of the Bürgerliches GesetzbuchSchmidt, Folke19659 131-158    
The "Leniency" of the Scandinavian Divorce LawsSchmidt, Folke19637 107-121    
The Prospective Law of MarriageSchmidt, Folke197115 191-218    
Law and Industrial Peace: The Scandinavian ApproachSchmidt, Folke197317 253-274    
From Socialism to LabourismSchmidt, Folke197721 241-256    
The Uppsala School of Legal ThinkingSchmidt, Folke197822 149-175    
The preliminary Question and the Question of Substitution in Conflicts of LawsSchmidt, Torben Svenné196812 91-119    
The Rule of Law and Custody of Children in Sweden – What Would King Solomon Have Done?Schiratzki, Johanna202369 363-377    
Introduction - Developments of Social Private Law in SwedenSchiratzki, Johanna200750 327-330    
Gender in Court - in the Best Interests of the Child? A Report from a Research Project on Adjudication of Parental Responsibility in Swedish CourtsSchiratzki, Johanna200750 477-494    
Custody of Children in Sweden: Recent DevelopmentsSchiratzki, Johanna199938 255-262    
Administrative Responsibility in Swedish Public Enterprise: The Problem of Complex GoalsSchneyer, Theodore J197014 167-192    
Questioning the Questionnaire: The Unheard Message from Scandinavian Tort LawSchultz, Mårten200750 289-302    
Further Ruminations on Cause-In-FactSchultz, Mårten200141 467-502    
Intersectional Discrimination: Gaining Entry to Swedish WorkplacesSchömer, Eva202268 249-270    
Copyright, Information Technology, and the Edifice of KnowledgeSeipel, Peter200242 191-215    
IT Law in the Framework of Legal InformaticsSeipel, Peter200447 31-47    
Archives in the Service of the PeopleSeipel, Peter200548 371-396    
Nordic School of Proactive Law Conference 2005: Closing CommentsSeipel, Peter200649 359-364    
ICT law – A Kaleidoscope ViewSeipel, Peter201056 33-58    
Limitation of Damages According to the Circumstances of the "Average Citizen"Selmer, Knut S19615 131-153    
Freedom of Expression and Opinion in the People’s Republic of China and the InternetSevastik, Per201560 253-274    
Has the Government a Duty to Accord Diplomatic Assistance and Protection to its Nationals?Seyersted, Finn196812 121-149    
Diplomatic Freedom of CommunicationSeyersted, Finn197014 193-224    
Emergency Arbitration: Justice on the RunShaughnessy, Patricia201763 319-330    
Dealing with Privileges in International Commercial ArbitrationShaughnessy, Patricia200751 451-470    
One or Many Constitutions? The Constitutional Future of the European Union in the 2000s from a Legal PerspectiveShaw, Jo200752 393-408    
Balancing Rights and Responsibilities: Human Rights Jurisprudence on Regulating the Content of SpeechShelton, Dinah201055 211-242    
Ascertainment of Law and Doctrine of Precedent in the Swedish Labour CourtSigeman, Tore197822 177-212    
Damages and Bot: Remedies for Breach of Collective Agreements in Nordic LawSigeman, Tore198529 185-212    
Insiders and Outsiders in the Labour Market: Experiences of a Nordic Welfare State in Labour Law PerspectiveSigeman, Tore199938 265-278    
Employment Protection in Scandinavian LawSigeman, Tore200243 257-275    
The Swedish Net Wealth Tax - Main Features and ProblemsSilfverberg, Christer200344 367-374    
The Rule of Law in a State of Flux - The Swedish Tax Law PerspectiveSimon-Almendal, Teresa202369 343-363    
Some Aspects of the Delegation of Legislative Power in FinlandSipponen, Kauko19659 159-176    
Nordic Hesitancy Regarding Part II of the CISGSisula-Tulokas, Lena201257 293-295    
The European Union's Proposed Takeover Directive: the "Breakthrough"Rule and the Swedish System of Dual Class Common StockSkog, Rolf200445 293-306    
Property Rights and the EnvironmentSkogh, Göran200040 483-504    
The Prohibition Against Repeated Criminal Proceedings According to the ECHR Protocol 7 Article 4Skoghøy, Jens Edvin A.200751 471-488    
Norwegian Legal Realism Since 1945Slagstad, Rune199135 215-233    
Moral Hazards within Liability Insurance – A Problem InventorySluijs, van der, Jessika201257 297-327    
Soft law - an International Concept in a National ContextSluijs, van der, Jessika201358 285-306    
The Infrastructure of Normative Legitimacy in Domestic Soft Law – Sketching the FieldSluijs, van der, Jessika201762 245-260    
A Mandatory Liability Insurance Scheme for CEO:s and Board Members – Problems and PossibilitiesSluijs, van der, Jessika201864 187-196    
International Law in Norwegian CourtsSmith, Carsten196812 151-201    
Legal Issues in the Norwegian Common Market DebateSmith, Carsten197317 275-310    
Legal Principles in Monetary and Credit PolicySmith, Carsten197418 179-233    
Constitutional Protection of Minorities: The Right and Protection of the Sami Population in NorwaySmith, Eivind199034 235-259    
The Presumption of InnocenceSmith, Eva200751 489-504    
Kelsen and Hart on the Normativity of LawSpaak, Torben200548 397-414    
Animal Law: Human Duties or Animal Rights?Spaak, Torben202167 225-272    
On the Theoretical Foundations of the Principle of Free Flow of Information as Applied to CopyrightStill, Viveca200447 203-221    
Free Movement of Information – the Principle and its Practical ImplicationsStill, Viveca201056 329-360    
Tort Liability and InsuranceStrahl, Ivar19593 199-226    
The Swedish Constitution and the Budgetary PrinciplesStjernquist, Nils19626 201-208    
The Youth Sanction - a Punishment in DisguiseStorgaard, Anette200954 381-396    
On the Idea of LegislationStrömberg, Håkan19648 221-242    
Some Remarks on Law, Religion and Jurisprudence in SwedenStrömberg, Tore197519 215-225    
Norms of Competence in Scandinavian JurisprudenceStrömberg, Tore198428 151-161    
Personal Injury Compensation in Sweden TodayStrömbäck, Erland199938 431-452    
Sweden's No-Fault Rule for Accidents at Work - Recent DevelopmentsStrömbäck, Erland200141 503-520    
The Scandinavians: Reluctant and Enthusiastic Club MembersStrömholm, Stig200750 303-314    
Legislative Material and Construction of Statutes: Notes on the Continental ApproachStrömholm, Stig196610 173-218    
Swedish Legislation on Liability for BroadcastingStrömholm, Stig196812 203-252    
The Swedish ExperienceStrömholm, Stig197115 219-284    
Criteria of Relevance in Legal ReasoningStrömholm, Stig197519 227-257    
Legal Hermeneutics–Notes on the Early Modern DevelopmentStrömholm, Stig197822 213-241    
The Freedom to Contract–A Complex Cluster of RulesStrömholm, Stig198933 203-220    
Goal-Steering and Judicial ReviewStrömholm, Stig200040 189-197    
Droit Moral - The International and Comparative Scene from a Scandinavian ViewpointStrömholm, Stig200242 217-253    
Forms of Phenomena that Implement State-made LawSummers, Robert S.200548 415-430    
The Law of Contracts: Jurisprudential Writing in Search of PrinciplesSundberg, Jacob19637 123-149    
A Uniform Interpretation of Uniform LawSundberg, Jacob196610 219-238    
Civil Law, Common Law and the ScandinaviansSundberg, Jacob196913 179-205    
The Wisdom of Treaty MakingSundberg, Jacob197216 283-306    
Comparative Law and the Swedish ModelSundberg, Jacob200039 367-386    
Airline Deregulation: Legal and Administrative ProblemsSundberg, Jacob200039 439-479    
A Chair in JurisprudenceSundberg, Jacob W.F.200548 431-464    
Human Rights and Traditional ValuesSundberg, Jacob W.F.201055 125-154    
Legal Enforcement of Obligations Incumbent upon Member States Under Treaties of the European CommunitiesSundberg-Weitman, Brita197519 259-292    
German Influence on Swedish Private Law Doctrine 1870-1914Sundell, Jan-Olof199135 235-268    
Karl Schlyter – A Swedish Lawyer and PoliticianSundell, Jan-Olof200040 505-514    
Vilhelm Lundstedt - a Biographical SketchSundell, Jan-Olof200548 465-478    
The Destruction of Democracy and of Civil Rights in Germany 1933Sundell, Jan-Olof201055 243-268    
Allocation of Taxable Income and Net Wealth Between SpousesSuviranta, Antti19637 151-166    
Invisible Clauses in Collective AgreementsSuviranta, Antti19659 177-215    
Are we Stuck in an Era of Jurisdictional Hyper-regulation?Svantesson, Dan201865 143-158    
Equality and Accessibility: A Proactive Approach to Strengthen the Legal Status and Protection Against Discrimination of Persons with DisabilitiesSyse, Aslak200649 367-384    
The Problem of Equal Opportunities of Housing Immigrants in a Liberalized Housing MarketSøholt, Susanne202268 347-372    
Danish Legal Publications in English, French and GermanSøndergaard, Jens19637 167-260    
The Reform of the Hungarian Insurance Contract LawTakats, Peter201864 197-210    
The Judges Part in Modern Civil ProceedingsTaksø-Jensen, Finn197923 211-229    
Anders Sandøe ørsted and the Influence From Civil Law Upon Danish Private Law at the Beginning of the 19th CenturyTamm, Ditlev197822 243-265    
The Danish Code of 1683Tamm, Ditlev198428 163-180    
Issue Conflicts as Basis for Challenge of an Arbitrator – A new First in Nordic Arbitration Practice?Tamminen, Anna-Maria and Lehto, Helen201763 331-354    
The Quagmire of Impossible Attempts - How to Distinguish between Punishable and Non-punishable Cases of Criminal Attempt?Tapani, Jussi200954 131-148    
Some Thoughts on Proactive Counselling and Legal MentalityTaskinen, Tommi K.J.200649 227-236    
The Law in Finnish DemocracyTaxell, Lars Erik197620 233-253    
Reservation of Title as Security and in the Administration of PropertyTepora, Jarno198529 213-231    
The Sources of International Criminal Law with Reference to the Human Rights Principles of Domestic Criminal LawThormundsson, Jonatan200039 387-393    
The Principle of Legality and Teleological Construction of Statutes in Criminal LawThornstedt, Hans19604 209-246    
The Beginning and the End of Life from the Perspective of Swedish Criminal LawThornstedt, Hans197014 225-249    
Order and Freedom: The Established view and an Existentialistic Family Law TheoryThue, Helge J198529 233-249    
EU Regulation on Product Exchange and Promotion of Cultural Exchange in EuropeThuesen, Elisabeth200039 207-217    
Wrecks and Wreckage in Swedish WatersTiberg, Hugo200446 201-218    
Bailees' and Lessees' Protection Against Third Parties Under Swedish LawTiberg, Hugo19659 217-242    
Ship Financing Security Under Swedish LawTiberg, Hugo196913 207-243    
Arrives Ship and Demurrage: An English and a Swedish ApproachTiberg, Hugo197620 255-265    
Why Cover the Wreck of a Sunken Ship?Tiberg, Hugo200039 481-490    
Compensation for Wrongful ImprisonmentTiberg, Hugo200548 479-488    
Members’ Boat InsuranceTiberg, Hugo201864 211-220    
Deductibility of Interest Payments in the Finnish Income TaxationTikka, Kari S198226 229-242    
Doctrine of the Sources of Law of a Scholar and a JudgeTimonen, Pekka199034 261-282    
The Allocation of Criminal Liability within an UndertakingToftegaard Nielsen, Gorm200954 149-164    
Children’s Right to EqualityToivonen, Virve202268 213-230    
Rules, Principles and Goals: The Interplay Between Law, Morals and PoliticsTolonen, Hannu199135 269-293    
Presumed Innocent until Proved Guilty: The Principle of Art 6 § 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Art 70 § 2 of the Constitution of Iceland that the Burden of Proof Rests with the ProsecutionTómasson, Eiríkur200751 505-532    
‘Delocalisation’ Scholarship in ICC Arbitral AwardsTorp Helmersen, Sondre201762 261-280    
Commercial Law in the Information AgeTorvund, Olav201865 57-80    
Legal Risk Management in a Global, Electronic MarketplaceTrzaskowski, Jan200649 319-338    
Identifying the Commercial Nature of ‘Influencer Marketing’ on the InternetTrzaskowski, Jan201865 81-100    
The Finnish-Soviet Hijacking TreatyTräskman, P O198226 243-261    
Purchase of a Sexual Service - A Lawful Private Delight or an Offence? A Study of Criminal Legislation in the Nordic CountriesTräskman, Per Ole200954 289-304    
The Baltic Sea and PollutionTulokas, Mikko198125 205-221    
The General Doctrines in Public LawTuori, Kaarlo198731 175-199    
The Law and its TraditionsTuori, Kaarlo200548 489-504    
Two Challenges to Normative Legal ScholarshipTuori, Kaarlo200853 177-202    
Attracting International Arbitrations through Adoption of Predictable and Transparent National LegislationTimonen, Tuuli and Larkimo, Nika201763 355-370    
Arbitrators, Disclosures and Challenges – Are We Being Practical or Too Sensitive?Turunen, Santtu201763 371-392    
The Swedish Business Reconstruction Act and SAABTuula-Karlsson, Marie201257 329-346    
From Empathy to Autism - how Ignorance became the NormTöllborg, Dennis200853 339-348    
Law Enforcement Without a State?Ugelvik, Synnøve201762 229-244    
Equality and Lifelong Learning: Facilitating Employment Transitions for Aging Workers in SwedenUlander-Wänman, Carin202268 329-346    
Modern Tort Law and Direct Claims Under the Scandinavian Insurance ActsUlfbeck, Vibe200141 521-532    
The Carrier's Liability for Third Parties for Theft and Robbery under the Danish Carriage of Goods by Road ActUlfbeck, Vibe200446 219-227    
Contractual Duty of InsuranceUllman, Harald200141 533-552    
Rethinking "in Affect" - Disturbed States of Mind and Criminal ResponsibilityUlväng, Magnus200954 165-190    
Legal Aspects of Business Licences in FinlandUotila, Jaakko196812 253-267    
The Development towards the Swedish 2005 Insurance Contracts Act – Legal Obstacles and Political Objections. A Retrospect with CommentsUtterström, Thomas201864 221-254    
Unlike any other thing – A Historical Discussion about the Status of Domestic Animals in the Swedish Legal Tradition         Valguarnera, Filippo      2021      67          51-70       
'Unlike any other thing' – A Historical Discussion about the Status of Domestic Animals in the Swedish Legal TraditionValguarnera, Filippo202167 51-70    
The Rule of Law in Times of Financial Crises: How EU Rule of Law Correlates with the MarketValter, Åsa and Wennerström, Erik O.201560 367-406    
On Justification in EC Tax LawVapaavuori, Ahti200344 375-392    
The Implementation of a Wage Policy: Centralized Collective Bargaining in SwedenVictorin, Anders197519 253-267    
Landlord and Tenant Relations in Sweden: A Case of Collective BargainingVictorin, Anders197923 231-255    
Forms of Tenure in Sweden: The Case of the Tenant OwnerVictorin, Anders198731 201-237    
The Value of Minority Stocks in Compulsory Redemption: Valuation and ValuesVictorin, Anders199938 89-111    
Expropriation for Telecom and Other Infrastructure - the Swedish ExperienceVictorin, Anders200447 513-527    
Criminal Responsibility and the Quantum of ProofWaaben, Knud19659 243-279    
Damages for Infringement of Competition LawWahl, Nils200141 553-564    
Animal Law in General and Animal Rights in ParticularWahlberg, Birgitta202167 13-34    
Legal Reasoning: A Jurisprudential ModelWahlgren, Peter200040 199-282    
On the Future of Legal ScienceWahlgren, Peter200040 515-525    
Cumulative Index Volumes 1-41Wahlgren, Peter200242 293-336    
Legal AbbreviationsWahlgren, Peter200243 393-415    
IT and Legislative DevelopmentWahlgren, Peter200447 601-618    
The Purpose and Usefulness of JurisprudenceWahlgren, Peter200548 505-516    
The Legitimacy Sphere: On the Tension between Law, Culture, Politics and EnforceabilityWahlgren, Peter201056 427-442    
From Lex Scripta to Law 4.0: On Legislation of the FutureWahlgren, Peter201865 159-174    
The Civil Law Effects of Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration to a Contract Governed by Scandinavian LawWallgren-Lindholm, Carita and Pasila, Johanna201763 393-422    
Fraud By Exploiting the Misconception or Delusion of Another PersonWalloon, Per-Edwin198428 181-203    
Judicial Policymaking in Sweden: A Comparative PerspectiveValguarnera, Filippo201561 185-218    
Irreconcilable Tasks - a New Model for Law-MakingWarling-Nerep, Wiweka200040 403-418    
Change of Paradigms in Legal ReconstructionVarga, Csaba200548 517-530    
European non-Refoulement RevisitedVedsted-Hansen, Jens201055 269-284    
Prevention is Better than Cure: Fostering the Growth of Dynamic Networked Organisations through the use of Proactive Legal MeasuresWeitzenböck, Emily M.200649 305-318    
Comments on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign JudgementsWelamson, Lars197014 251-266    
EU-legislation and Cybercrime: A Decade of European Legal DevelopmentsWennerström, Erik200447 451-470    
Combating Cybercrime – Developments in the European UnionWennerström, Erik and Sandberg, Csaba201056 247-286    
From Person to Party - the Fundamental Problem of Social Private LawWennström, Bo200750 495-512    
Interim Measures and Civil LitigationWestberg, Peter200751 533-558    
Biotech Patents: Grant Requirements and Scope of ProtectionWesterlund, Li200242 255-289    
Best Company Practice: A Duty of Loyalty for the Purpose of Preventing Abuse of Powers Under Company LawWerlauff, Erik199938 55-87    
The SE Company: A 'Federal' Company Type Available from 8 October 2004Werlauff, Erik200445 307-326    
Judicial Review of Administrative DecisionsWesterberg, Ole197216 307-326    
Rights, Obligations and Sanctions in Social LawWesterhäll, Lotta198832 243-268    
Free Movement and Social Security in an Integration PerspectiveWesterhäll, Lotta200039 219-228    
Equality Within Medical Care Discrimination of Elderly With Covid-19 in Residential HomesWesterhäll Vahlne, Lotta202268 271-286    
Legal Antipollution Standards in SwedenWesterlund, Staffan198125 223-244    
Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters: The Danish ExperienceVestergaard, Jørn and Adamo, Silvia200954 431-462    
Pre-active Anti-Terrorism Legislation: The Case of DenmarkVestergaard, Jørn201560 407-424    
Compensation for Pure Economic Loss in Finnish Tort LawWetterstein, Peter200141 565-580    
Environmental Impairment Liability after the Erika and Prestige AccidentsWetterstein, Peter200446 229-256    
The Role of Ideology in AdjudicationWiklund, Ola200548 531-540    
The Impact of IT on the Foundation for Businesses Daily OperationVikström, Mats200649 285-296    
Some Aspects of the Principle of Ministerial Responsibility in NorwayWilberg, Ingeborg19648 243-264    
Hull Insurance of "Latent defects" - i.e. Errors in Design, Material or WorkmanshipWilhelmsen, Trine-Lise200446 257-285    
The Insurer’s Duty to Contract – The Norwegian modelWilhelmsen, Trine-Lise201864 255-274    
Need-Rationality in Private LawWilhelmsson, Thomas198933 221-233    
Contract and EqualityWilhelmsson, Thomas200040 145-165    
The European Convention on Human Rights and the Transformation of the Finnish Fundamental Rights SystemViljanen, Jukka200752 299-320    
Comparative Approach to Limitations: From European Standard to International TrendViljanen, Jukka201055 285-306    
Community Intellectual Property Law and Ownership in Employment RelationshipsWolk, Sanna201056 419-426    
Retributive and Corrective Justice, Criminal and Private LawWood, David200548 541-582    
Scandinavian Financial LawWood, Philip R200750 315-326    
The American and British Bombings of Iraq and International LawWrange, Pål200039 491-514    
Land, Development and the Irrationality of International LawWrange, Pål201560 187-220    
International Humanitarian Law Without the State?Wrange, Pål201762 145-162    
Evidence, Probability and Tactics in ProceedingsZahle, Henrik197923 257-293    
Judicial Opinion Writing in the Danish Supreme Court (Højesteret)Zahle, Henrik200751 559-580    
The "Social" in Social Law - An Analysis of a Concept in DisguiseZamboni, Mauro200750 513-540    
Legal Realisms and the Dilemma of the Relationship of Contemporary Law and PoliticsZamboni, Mauro200548 583-606    
Dis-Incorporating Corporate Social ResponsibilityZamboni, Mauro201560 69-111    
A European Social Contract?Zetterquist, Ola200752 321-348    
Sanctioning Powers of the Swedish Public Prosecution Service and PoliceZila, Josef200954 397-408    
The Development of the Concept of Income in Nordic Income Tax LawZimmer, Frederik200344 393-410    
Tax Legislation between Politics and Legal (and Economic) ThinkingZimmer, Frederik200649 385-392    
An Attempt to Analyse the Owner's Legal PositionZitting, Simo19593 227-247    
The Right of Property in Conflict with other Protection-meriting Rights or InterestsÅhman, Karin201055 307-318    
Indigenousness as a Protected Ground of DiscriminationÅhrén, Mattias202268 67-90    
Inheritance and Gifts in some Medieval LawsÅqvist, Gösta197216 37-82    
Logical Aspects of Some Burden of Proof Problems in Cases of Alleged Violations of the Right to Unionize According to Swedish Labour LawÅqvist, Lennart200548 607-618    
Some Commercial Aspects on Labour LawÖman, Sören200750 541-554    
Implementing Data Protection in LawÖman, Sören200447 389-403    
Trends in Data Protection LawÖman, Sören201056 209-228    
The Promulgation Theory on Statutory Interpretation and the Rule of Law in DenmarkØrberg, Mark202369 95-121    
Contractual Aspects of Arbitration Agreements in Danish LawØrgaard, Anders201763 423-436    
The Suspension of Payment Institution Under the Danish Bankruptcy Act, 1977Örgaard, Niels198125 245-274    
The Danish Bar and Law Society200446 289-297    
The Finnish Bar Association200446 299-306    
The Icelandic Bar Association200446 307-312    
The Norwegian Bar Association200446 313-322    
The Swedish Bar Association200446 323-329    
Law Libraries in Denmark200649 427-433    
Law Libraries in Finland200649 434-441    
Norwegian Law Libraries200649 442-447    
Law Libraries in Sweden200649 448-462    
The Constitutional Act of Denmark200752 411-422    
The Constitution of Finland200752 423-448    
Constitution of the Republic of Iceland200752 449-458    
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway200752 459-474    
Sweden: The Instrument of Government200752 475-500    
The Danish Courts – an Organisation in Development200751 581-590    
Court Administration in Finland200751 591-605    
Iceland’s Judicial System200751 606-607    
Presentation of the National Courts Administration and the Norwegian Court Reforms of 2002200751 608-628    
The Swedish National Courts Administration200751 629-650    
Rule of Law - ForewordReichel, Jane and Zamboni, Mauro202369 1-12    
Rule of Law - Contributors202369 421-422    

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